Sunday, June 05, 2011

Prayer Request

In your charity please pray for my stepfather Harold who is in the later stages of dementia and has taken a sharp turn for the worse.  Although I do not think he is on death's door, he has been hospitalized and is almost completely unresponsive.  At present he is being fed and hydrated intravenously.  The doctors fear he may be entering the final stage of this terrible disease.


  1. I'm so sorry. Prayers for your stepfather.

  2. We will remember him in our prayers, John. Lord have mercy.

  3. Lord have mercy on thy child, Harold, and deliver him in this time of struggle. Assist those who care for him, granting them thy great mercy, comforting them in their grief.

  4. Lord Jesus Christ be with Your servant Harold.

  5. Prayers from me, too, whose father went through the same. Except nobody fed or hydrated him. You can at be thankful for that, at least.


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