Monday, June 27, 2011

Thank You

To the many people who posted or emailed me regarding my Godson Basil (see preceding post).  Your prayers are deeply appreciated by everyone concerned.  I am now on the right coast dealing with family issues here.  The latest word I have on Basil is what Bill (my Godfather) posted on Saturday.  For those who missed his comment, it now appears that in addition to all of the  injuries I listed he also has a cracked vertebra in the neck and a fractured wrist.  There is no danger of paralysis, but Basil is going to be a long time healing.  The metal in his leg will probably take some getting used to.  Also we have no word on the driver of the other vehicle who bolted from the scene.  Forgive my uncharitable presumptions, but I would not be surprised if he is safely back in Mexico by now.

I will post any new developments when I get the news.  Thank you all again for your prayers.

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