Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Heads up on some forthcoming changes

I have received several messages expressing concern about the color scheme on A/O.  Apparently it doesn't work well with some readers.  When I get some time, hopefully in the next few days, I will be doing some experimenting with new color schemes.  If the blog suddenly starts looking a little weird when you click here it will probably be because I am tinkering.


  1. Yay! Been unreadable on Google Reader for a while.

  2. Thank you so much! The white type on the dark background is very hard to read (*cough*Catacomb Chronicles*cough*).

  3. Gee, I rather liked the color scheme, but of course practicality must take precedence over aesthetics.

  4. Make mine fuchsia; it matches my toenails.

  5. Looks a LOT better on Reader now! Thanks! :)

  6. The pink/salmon color has always been very hard for me to read, especially on my iPhone. My eyes aren't what they used to be.

  7. I usually have just double-clicked on the text on Reader to turn it blue so I could read it. Not having to do that would be nice...

  8. Thank you!

    (This post was completely readable for me via Google Reader and appeared as black on white.)

  9. yeah but now its just grey. What about bright colours??



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