Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pope Appoints Archbishop Chaput to Philadelphia

Denver, Colo., Jul 19, 2011 / 04:01 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Updated at 8:51 a.m. MDT with remarks from the press conference in Philadelphia.

Pope Benedict appointed Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Denver on July 19 to lead the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Cardinal Justin Rigali, who reached the age of retirement in April 2010, will serve as apostolic administrator until Archbishop Chaput's installation on Sept. 8. Cardinal Rigali has headed the Philadelphia archdiocese since 2003.

“I know other bishops would have been smarter than I am, or more talented, or more connected to Philadelphia’s past,” Archbishop Chaput said at a July 19 press conference announcing the appointment.

“But I do promise that no bishop will love the people and priests of this local Church more than I will. No bishop will give more of himself than I will.”

Cardinal Rigali praised the appointment, saying the Denver archbishop's life “is marked by an evident joy in his priesthood, a fearless proclamation of the Gospel, and a clear commitment to Jesus Christ and His Church.”
Read the rest here.

This is very good news for Philly.  Chaput is one of the best bishops in RCC on this side of the pond.


  1. Agreed. Although I find it annoying that just as I moved to the Archdiocese of Denver I find that the great bishop is leaving.

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

  3. OOPS! Wrong thread --


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