Saturday, July 23, 2011

Redesign is underway

I am not sure I like it but I will sleep on it and see how I feel tomorrow.  Comments and suggestions are welcome.


  1. No. With that background, different text color is necessary or change the background and keep the text that color.

  2. Agree. Black text on blue outline is hard to read. Old version was much easier on my eyes.

  3. Either black on white, or black on ecru (like John Sanidopoulos's website) is best for the eyes, and seems to work on most browsers.

  4. I like it. I think it's easier on the eyes.

  5. Let's see--now where did I leave my sunglasses? Ouch! Please have mercy on those of us with older eyes...The black was hard, but this color is painful...I like the idea of black type on ecru.

  6. Well, it was a nice try... could you tone down the blue a bit, maybe? But it does sort of glare at one from the screen. Sorry...

  7. Igumen Gregory7/24/2011 5:28 PM

    too blue hard on aging eyes

  8. I do like that I can read posts in Google Reader now.

  9. Bob Glassmeyer7/24/2011 9:59 PM

    this is a lovely shade of blue, mellow and soothing, and close to periwinkle, a favourite of mine. First class, John!

  10. The problem with this, for me, isn't that the letters can't be read against the background, but that now the majority of the window is filled with empty blue space that just glares at me. The posts themselves form a narrow column in the middle, and the left and right are just vast expanses of a very loud periwinkle.

    I can't focus on what's in the middle. And I don't want to resize my window to see only what's in the middle.


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