Thursday, July 07, 2011

Rupert Murdoch Shuts Down Scandal Plagued Paper

Britain's biggest-selling newspaper was shut down last night by the Murdoch family in a surprise move designed to bring an end to the phone hacking scandal engulfing the News of the World.

James Murdoch, the chairman of News International, which owns the newspaper, announced that the final edition would be published this weekend, citing the “inhuman” alleged behaviour of some staff as prompting the decision.

The 168-year-old newspaper will donate all this weekend’s revenues to good causes and would not accept any paid advertising, he said.

Hundreds of staff now face an uncertain future. However, Rebekah Brooks, the chief executive of News International and former editor of the News of the World, has been allowed to keep her job despite widespread calls for her to be sacked.

Last night she faced angry scenes at the paper as she broke the news to journalists. There were reports she had to be escorted from the offices by security guards for her protection.
Read the rest here.

1 comment:

  1. ...while in America, our own government hacks into our phone calls and e-mails and everything else with impunity because it's actually legal. Supposedly. I'd love to see the constitutionality of it tested in the Supreme Court.


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