Thursday, September 08, 2011

Three cheers for Prince Alois

VADUZ, Liechtenstein—People in the tiny principality of Liechtenstein vote next week on whether to legalize abortion—but they know their voice may count for nothing.

The prince has already made up his mind.

Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein, heir apparent to a billion-dollar banking dynasty and de facto ruler over 35,000 people, says he will exercise his veto if the people favor a referendum to legalize abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy or if the child is severely disabled.

The announcement last month raised hackles in the Alpine nation. It comes as no revelation that the crown prince has inherited some of his father's strong Catholic views. But voters were surprised by the fact that Alois is prepared to overrule a popular vote if the outcome doesn't suit his taste.

"We think fewer people will vote because they'll ask themselves what's the point. It really is an attempt to actively influence the referendum," said Helen Konzett, who helped gather the 1,500 signatures necessary to call the vote, slated for Sept. 18.

In Liechtenstein, which is smaller than Washington, DC but has its own seat at the United Nations, interfering in a referendum is considered a criminal offense. Only not for the prince, who according to the constitution is immune from prosecution while in office.

Konzett, a mother of two, said efforts to bring Liechtenstein's laws in line with those of neighboring Austria would now likely fail.
Read the rest here.

HT: Dr. Tighe

"Any constitution strong enough to prevent a monarch from doing wrong is also strong enough to prevent a monarch from doing what is right."

-The Mad Monarchist


  1. I hope they don't do to this fellow what they did to the ruler of Luxemburg.

  2. I have no problem with a veto over new legislation. In fact, I like the idea so much, I'd like to give such power to more than one person at a time.

  3. Are there any Orthodox Churches in Lichtenstein? Perhaps I should learn German so that I can move my family there to escape the decline here.

  4. Ed,

    Prince Alois is pretty much an absolute monarch so no chance of a repeat of Luxemburg bar a revolution.

  5. Hip, hip, hooray!!!

  6. There is an Orthodox parish that serves Liechtenstein in St. Gallen, Switzerland. (I was curious, too!)


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