Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Wrapping Up

I am finishing (at last) my business on the right coast and will be returning to CA this weekend.  Limited blogging until then.  The blog has suffered a lot of neglect during this trip but I do expect to return to a more normal level of posting after I get back home.


  1. Goodness, your headline scared me. I thought you were "wrapping up" your blog altogether.

    I enjoy lurking here.

    Glad to see you meant you were wrapping up other business and will soon be back to regular posting.

  2. Looking forward to your return. tGf

  3. California sounds good; Calif sounds OK but abbreviated; CA leaves a taste in the mouth as if that of a tongue depressor.

    I note as a resident of Nevada that the State Printer has never even once used the two letter abbreviation NV.

    How would one like to vacation in AK?

  4. I was starting to wonder...


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