Monday, October 31, 2011

GOP condemns anti-Obama image showing gunshot wound

The Republican Party of Virginia on Monday strongly condemned an e-mail sent by Loudoun County’s GOP committee that shows President Obama as a zombie with part of his skull missing and a bullet through his head.

The e-mail, first reported on the blog Too Conservative, has “Halloween 2011” in the subject line and has several other images, including one of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), whose face has been made to look deformed with one eye bulging from its socket.

“The disgusting image used today on a mass e-mail has no place in our politics. Ever,’’ said Pat Mullins, chairman of the state party. “The Republican Party of Virginia condemns the image and its use in the strongest possible terms.”

Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell (R) said through a spokesman that the e-mail is “shameful and offensive.’’
Read the rest here.

Further evidence of the radicalization of our politics. Those we disagree with are no longer political opponents. They have become "the enemy."

1 comment:

  1. Those we disagree with are no longer political opponents. They have become "the enemy."

    Sadly, John, they HAVE become the enemy.

    Bill, tGf

    ps: see you at the Slava :>)


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