Friday, October 21, 2011

Russia’s parliament adopts law restricting abortions to 12 weeks

MOSCOW — Russia’s parliament adopted a law Friday limiting abortions but rejected even tougher restrictions backed by the country’s conservative Orthodox Church.

Health officials say Russia’s abortion rates are among the world’s highest, contributing to a fertility rate of only 1.4 children per woman — far below the 2.1 needed to maintain the existing population. The country’s birth rate has become a serious concern for Russia as it fights to stem a steep population decline.
Read the rest here.


  1. Progress, but not enough. It is when considering this tragedy that I best understand why Blessed Mary requested prayer for the conversion of Russia.

  2. To bad she forgot Italy, which has an even higher abortion rate.

  3. Too bad she forgot Italy, which has an even higher abortion rate.

    Huh? Where are you getting your figures. When I look at the Johnston Archive, I see that 44.7% of Russian pregnancies ended in abortion in 2008 (latest year they have figures), while only 17.6% of Italian pregnancies ended in abortion that year.


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