Thursday, November 03, 2011

NBA: Players threaten to "decertify union" if demands not met

In case you thought sanity might encroach on the NBA labor talks, we bring you this report:

A group of hardline NBA players, about 50, participated in a conference call this week behind the back of union leadership, reports both the New York Times and Yahoo. The upshot of the mid-week call is that if the union gives any more on either system issues or percentage of basketball related income, the group will start a drive to decertify the union.

Know that this is as much a negotiating tactic as a real threat, and effort to give the union some leverage. (“You need to get a deal with us now before this renegade group tries to hijack the talks.”) That said, the threat could anger owners and handcuff union leadership — Billy Hunter and Derek Fisher — in those talks.

Here are the highlights from Howard Beck at the Times:
Read the rest here.

Not a basketball fan. But I do find it amusing that the players are threatening to revolt against their union and probably kill the season over 2% in revenue when even poorly paid players are already among the wealthiest Americas. Somehow I don't see this playing well with the fans, many of whom have no job. Score this an 'F' in public relations.

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