Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ore. governor bans executions; condemned imate gets reprieve

SALEM, Ore. – What was supposed to be Oregon’s first execution in 14 years won’t be taking place -- at least not while Gov. John Kitzhaber is in office.

Calling the death penalty “morally wrong,” the Democratic governor on Tuesday announced a state moratoriumon on executions and granted a reprieve to death-row inmate Gary Haugen.

The twice-convicted murderer was scheduled to be put to death by lethal injection on Dec. 6.
Read the rest here.


  1. Amazing that he was due to be executed on the feast of St. Nicholas.

  2. Glory to God! A life preserved, and hopefully for repentance.

  3. I pray that Democrats would have that kind of moral clarity when it comes to the most innocent - the unborn.


  4. Fat chance. I can't see to find one that can speak rationally about it. That's ideology for you.


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