Tuesday, November 29, 2011

WOW! Bobby Valentine is named new Red Sox Manager

When Bobby Valentine became manager of the Mets in 1996, he immediately set about igniting their competition with the Yankees. It has been nine years since Valentine last managed in major league baseball, but another rivalry with the Yankees is about to receive a jolt.

Valentine has been hired by the Boston Red Sox, the Yankees’ chief divisional rival, to be their manager, according to a person in baseball with direct knowledge of the negotiations.

While Valentine was in Japan on a charity tour this week, the new Red Sox general manager, Ben Cherington, extended an offer, and there was very little negotiation involved, the person said. Valentine agreed, and is expected back in the United States on Wednesday, with a news conference likely to be held in the next few days in Boston.

The 61-year-old Valentine brings with him the experience of more than 3,000 games managed for the Texas Rangers, the Mets and the Chiba Lotte Marines in Japan. He took the Mets to the World Series in 2000, losing to the Yankees in five games, and won the Japan Series with the Marines in 2005. Since leaving Japan after the 2009 season, he had been working as an analyst for ESPN.
Read the rest here.


  1. Thanks for the article! Here are some thoughts about his time in Japan, if you're interested.

  2. The dying throes of a fiat currency a la Keyensianism. The ones with the money and power get bailed out and the taxpayers and poor on fixed incomes get left with the bill thanks to the hidden tax called inflation. The Federal Reserve needs to end and sound money needs to be reintroduced , otherwise one bubble will lead unto the next bubble until we see what is happening now - the collapsing of currencies and the widening of the socioeconomic classes.


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