Friday, December 09, 2011

As Europe Moves Toward Stronger Union Britain Holds Out; Risking Isolation

BRUSSELS — A landmark summit of the 27-nation European Union ended here Friday with both a pledge and wedge: A pledge among nations to work toward a new treaty binding them more closely together in a pact to save the euro, and a wedge between the continent and Britain, which opted to sit it out.

In a summit portrayed by leaders as a make-or-break moment in the decades-long march toward European unity following World War II, the outcome signaled the growing clout of Germany and a potentially wayward path for Britain.

The veto by British Prime Minister David Cameron, a Conservative euro-skeptic who cherishes the pound and looks askance at heavy-handed European regulations in British affairs, underscored his nation’s long unease with relinquishing national powers to the E.U. and left London isolated in a region now moving toward deeper integration without it. His move left Britain’s Guardian newspaper asking, “Will it be Splendid Isolation, or Miserable?”
Read the rest here.

Why don't we form some sort of loose confederation consisting primarily of the English speaking nations of the world like the US, Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and some of the Caribbean states?  It could promote free trade and commerce within the confederation while respecting national sovereignty.  It could also provide a purely defensive military alliance that would replace many of the globalist organizations like NATO that have become instruments for interventionist foreign policies.


  1. It already exist.

    Yes. Anglos uber alles!!!!

    Huntington would be proud!!!

    Now....if only there was an "Anglo" religion...oh wait, there is one.

  2. Sounds like Oceania from 1984.

    "We have always been at war with East Asia."

    I'm at least half-kidding.

  3. Ireland will hitch it's horse to Germany. We've no interest in some sort of beefed up Commonwealth such as you propose.


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