Thursday, December 15, 2011

Jewish extremists burn Mosques in occupied West Bank

JERUSALEM — Defying a crackdown on Jewish extremists ordered by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, vandals set fire to a mosque in the West Bank and defaced it with Hebrew graffiti Thursday after Israeli forces tore down structures in an unauthorized settlement outpost.

The arson in the village of Burqa, near Ramallah, was the latest in a string of similar attacks on Palestinian mosques in the West Bank and came a day after an unused mosque was torched and defaced in a Jewish neighborhood of Jerusalem.

The wave of extremist violence, which included a rampage by militant Jewish settlers at a West Bank army base Tuesday, has brought expressions of alarm from across the Israeli political spectrum and prompted the government to announce measures to curb it.
Read the rest here.


  1. Sounds like they're burning their Burqas over there! Feminism alert!

  2. I hate to see any places of woirship burned/ vandalized. It just increases the hostilities between the parties.

  3. They are also continuing their relentless assault on Christians:


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