Monday, December 19, 2011

Latest Poll: Ron Paul leads in Iowa

It seems Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul is now the leading Republican presidential candidate in Iowa, according to the latest Public Policy Polling survey released late Sunday.

The Texas Republican, who has for weeks witnessed a surge in support, is leading the Republican field with 23 percent support. Mr. Paul is followed by former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney at 20 percent, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich at 14 percent, former Pennsylvania U.S Senator Rick Santorum at 10 percent, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann at 10 percent, Texas Governor Rick Perry at 10 percent and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman at 4 percent.
Read the rest here.
See the actual poll report here.

Not sure how this poll stacks up with other recent ones. But those I saw a week ago had Paul in a statistical tie with Gingrich for first place.  Maybe Gingrich is slipping.


  1. God is good. Ron Paul is the only decent candidate among the two parties.

  2. It is amusing how the lame stream media is downplaying this poll and now labeling Iowa as irrelevant. I'm sure if the candidate leading was a flip flopping big government RINO, then they would be singing a different tune. Looks the corporate controlled media who profit from the wars and the status quo (read: Federal Reserve and bailouts) are getting mighty nervous! As they should! It is time we restore the Republic!

  3. God is good. Let Ron Paul be the next president.

    "And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints."

    St. Michael, defend us.
    Blessed Virgin Mary, interecede for us.
    Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.


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