Friday, December 30, 2011

The Telegraph: Ron Paul gaining support of Iowan Democrats and independents

Ron Paul, the eccentric 76-year-old Texas congressman, is threatening to cause an upset in Iowa by winning the Republican caucus thanks to the support of independent and even Democratic voters.

Dr Paul, a three-time presidential hopeful credited as being the Father of the Tea Party, is gathering late momentum among Iowan conservatives after persuading Michele Bachmann's state chairman to defect.

But he also stands to benefit from state rules dictating that everyone may vote in the party contest. "If you are not a Republican, you can register at the door," said David Fischer, Dr Paul's Iowa co-chairman, at a rally at a speedway stadium in Newton.

Thousands of members of Barack Obama's Democrats, disenchanted but with no contest of their own, are set to turn out at caucus sites on Tuesday to do just that.

Almost one in four caucus-goers is expected to be an independent or Democrat, according to a Public Policy Polling (PPP) survey.

Polls here indicate that while Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, leads the field among registered Republicans, he is overtaken by Dr Paul when everyone who intends to caucus is taken into account.
Read the rest here.

I draw the reader's attention to the comments on this article at the linked site.  This is a British newspaper, editorially right of center, and it is quite interesting to see what at least some Brits think of Ron Paul, who if elected would radically alter our relationship with Great Britain and most of the rest of the world.


  1. Americans are more exposed to distorted news and reviews from American mainstream media who have their hidden agenda.

    Let us pray for Ron Paul and our country.

  2. Americans are bombarded with lies by mainstream media day in day out. We know whose interests they are working for. They distort the truth for their selfish gains.

    We know who the father of lies is.
    St. Michael, the archangel, defend and protect us.
    Blessed Virgin Mary, intercede for us.


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