Wednesday, January 04, 2012

For the record, this was a no no

I am supporting Ron Paul for President, but this was a serious breach of military rules and regs.  One of the more important principles in our constitutional republic is that the military remains strictly apolitical and subordinate to the civilian government.  For that reason members of the Armed Forces, while encouraged to vote, are strictly prohibited from engaging in any campaigning or political endorsements while in uniform.  Nor are they allowed to reference their military status if campaigning in civilian attire.  I hope this obviously patriotic and well meaning young man doesn't get in too much trouble for his actions. But if I were his CO that boy would be spending the next weekend counting the blades of grass on the base drill field.  Seriously, someone needs to give him a sharp dressing down.  And I think a statement from his CO reminding everyone, military and civilian alike, that the armed forces do not endorse candidates for public office might be timely.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Doodler,
    Tough day at work? Thanks for the correction.

  3. I have removed my comment!


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