Friday, January 13, 2012

Israeli Secret Agents Impersonated CIA In False Flag Operation

Buried deep in the archives of America's intelligence services are a series of memos, written during the last years of President George W. Bush's administration, that describe how Israeli Mossad officers recruited operatives belonging to the terrorist group Jundallah by passing themselves off as American agents. According to two U.S. intelligence officials, the Israelis, flush with American dollars and toting U.S. passports, posed as CIA officers in recruiting Jundallah operatives -- what is commonly referred to as a "false flag" operation.

The memos, as described by the sources, one of whom has read them and another who is intimately familiar with the case, investigated and debunked reports from 2007 and 2008 accusing the CIA, at the direction of the White House, of covertly supporting Jundallah -- a Pakistan-based Sunni extremist organization. Jundallah, according to the U.S. government and published reports, is responsible for assassinating Iranian government officials and killing Iranian women and children.

But while the memos show that the United States had barred even the most incidental contact with Jundallah, according to both intelligence officers, the same was not true for Israel's Mossad. The memos also detail CIA field reports saying that Israel's recruiting activities occurred under the nose of U.S. intelligence officers, most notably in London, the capital of one of Israel's ostensible allies, where Mossad officers posing as CIA operatives met with Jundallah officials.
Read the rest here.

Someone explain to me again, slowly please, why exactly are we providing all of this massive aid to Israel?


  1. Indeed... time to cut Israel lose to deal with its own problems itself and to sleep in the bed it makes. Why do we continually allow ourselves and our foreign policy to be led around by the nose by the Israeli lobby?

  2. The answer is to follow the money. Hint: Goldman Sachs, et al.

  3. Mossad is too competent to be confused with the CIA.

  4. Yesterday I read some reports that Mossad had done a similar thing and had recruited the 9/11 hijackers. I took that to be a bunch of nonsense probably posted by Arab Palestinians or something, but this article makes me think it just may be plausible after all. Israel has certainly been the main beneficiary of that masterpiece of terrorism.

    We continue to pour money into Israel because - well, read The Israel Lobby, by Mearsheimer and Wait, two Jews.

  5. 'Cause Israel's a "white" English-speakin' country in the midst of brown skinned people who speak English with a funny accent.


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