Saturday, January 14, 2012

Italian Cruise Liner Reported Sinking

Details are sketchy but early reports indicate that the Italian flagged cruise ship M.V. Costa Concordia struck an as yet unidentified underwater object off the coast of Tuscany very near the island of Giglio.  The collision which occurred during the evening meal, reportedly opened the ships hull for about 165 ft below the waterline.  Crew members briefly and unsuccessfully attempted to assure passengers that the problem was an electrical failure even as the ship immediately took on a severe list.  However as the extent of the emergency became clear orders were issued for passengers to put on life jackets.  The most recent reports are that the abandon ship order has been given with passengers and crew taking to the lifeboats and  some throwing themselves into the sea hoping to swim to the nearby shore.  Witnesses and Italian media confirm that there have been an unknown number of fatalities.  The Italian Coast Guard is currently attempting to rescue more than 50 passengers trapped on the sinking ship.

1 comment:

  1. This bit of news creeps me out because I went on a cruise on November and it was from the same port that this doomed vessel came from.


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