Friday, January 06, 2012

A must see video

Joseph over at Byzantine Texas has posted a wonderful video of the exhibition on the rebirth of Orthodox Christianity in Russia.  It's about 12 minutes long.  It starts a little slow but stick with it.  Watch the whole thing.  You won't regret it.


  1. Awesome. Just awesome.

  2. I was very moved. Thank you for posting. Christos Razdayetsya!

  3. A lot of people look at what is happening in Russia, see the 1-2% of the population that is "churched", see the high abortion rate and the high levels of public criminality, and pronounce the revival to be fake. What they don't realize is just how complete the spiritual devastation of Russia was in the 20th century, and just how difficult the past 20 years have been as well for the Russian Church. What the Moscow Patriarchate has accomplished in the past 24 years (I'm counting from the Millennium of the Baptism of Rus in 1988) is nothing short of miraculous considering all the challenges against it.

    The revival of Russia has only just began.

  4. May the Most Holy Trinity bless Russia. Statmann


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