Sunday, January 08, 2012

Navy SEAL dies after accidentally shooting himself

SAN DIEGO — Navy officials have confirmed that a Navy SEAL who accidentally shot himself in the head has died.

Navy spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Frank Magallon tells the U-T San Diego ( ) that Petty Officer 3rd Class Gene "Geno" Clayont, Jr. was taken off life support on Saturday. He is survived by his parents and three sisters.

San Diego police were called on Thursday after the accident. Police say Clayton had gone to a bar and brought a woman back to his apartment and was showing her guns when he put a pistol to his head, believing it was unloaded, and pulled the trigger.

Paramedics took Clayton to a San Diego hospital where he was placed on life support.

Firearms Safety
Rule # 2 Never point a weapon in any direction where you are not prepared for the consequences if it goes boom.

There are more rules but these were the first two that got beat into my head in the Navy.  If you just remember these two you will eliminate 98% of the  tragic accidents like that described above.


  1. Wow. It's amazing to me how even the best trained people in the world can have a tragedy from just one moment's inattention. Showing off guns to seduce a girl is probably a bad idea to begin with, but even leaving that aside, this was just stupid in any context. May we all learn from his poor choice, and may his memory be eternal. Lord have mercy.

  2. It is also unfortunately true that many of these "accidental" shootings are not really accidental. A shot to the head sounds an awful lot like suicide.


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