Wednesday, February 29, 2012

All areas of the country show growth, Fed reports

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. economy started the year off well with busier factories, higher retail sales, more jobs and growth in home sales.

The Federal Reserve said Wednesday that all 12 of its banking districts reported some level of growth in January and the first half of February.

Manufacturing output rose in all districts. Auto manufacturing, steel makers and other metal producers all reported solid growth.

Home sales increased in at least half of the districts, a notable improvement from the Fed's last report in January. Sales are expected to climb further in four districts. And six districts reported rising construction of apartments.
Read the rest here.

Still way too early to sound the "all clear" siren.  But yes, there is undeniably some good news out there.


  1. There are liars and there are DAMNED liars. The Fed is the latter. Not seeing any improvements here in Xo. Cal so ......

  2. This must explain why 3 people in my parish have been laid off from their jobs in the last 2 weeks.


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