Saturday, February 11, 2012

Romney edges out Ron Paul in Maine

GOP front-runner Mitt Romney won Maine's Republican presidential caucuses with 39 percent of the vote, breaking a three-state losing streak by besting libertarian-leaning Ron Paul, who finished a close second with 36 percent.

Romney had 2,190 total votes, while Paul got 1,996. Rick Santorum finished third with 18 percent (989 votes). Newt Gingrich was fourth with 6 percent (349 votes).
Read the rest here.

It was close, but we didn't quite get there.


  1. Very interesting that he ONLY won by 3 pts., in a state that borders New Hampshire and Massachusetts?...If it were a Victory and not a squeak by, it should have been a larger win...?

  2. I am somewhat surprised Paul did as well as he did in Maine, of all places. I suppose, giving the other contenders at this point, he was the only other viable non-Romney candidate.

  3. John, looks like there might have been some shenanigans going on in Maine. Precincts closed because of 3-4 inches of snow, etc. Look for this one to play out for a few more days.


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