Saturday, March 03, 2012

A million-dollar mortgage goes unpaid for years while couple fights foreclosure

The eviction from their million-dollar home could come at any moment. Keith and Janet Ritter have been bracing for it — and battling against it — almost from the moment they moved into the five-bedroom, 4,900-square-foot manse along the Potomac River in Fort Washington.

In five years, they have never made a mortgage payment, a fact that amazes even the most seasoned veterans of the foreclosure crisis.

The Ritters have kept the sheriff at bay by repeatedly filing for bankruptcy and by exploiting changes in Maryland’s laws designed to help delinquent homeowners avoid foreclosure.

Those efforts to protect homeowners have transformed Maryland’s foreclosure process from one of the country’s shortest to one of the longest. It now takes on average 634 days to complete a foreclosure in Maryland, compared with 132 days in Virginia.
Read the rest here.


  1. Well, the wheels of justice turn slowly. Eventually, these people are going to get the hammer brought down on them, and when it comes, tain't gonna be pretty.

  2. "tain't gonna be pretty." Au contraire. 5 yrs in a presumably nice house for free. Yeah, their credit will be screwed up for a while.... Bill, tGf


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