Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Romney wins in Illinois by wide margin

Mitt Romney won the Illinois Republican primary with some ease on Tuesday evening, allowing him to likely grow his delegate advantage over his rivals in the fight for the party's presidential nomination.

NBC News projected that Romney had won the contest, the lone presidential primary taking place on Tuesday, less than an hour after polls closed. The primary had offered Republicans maybe their best chance yet of a genuine one-on-one battle between the former Massachusetts governor and Santorum, his chief competitor for the nod.

"Elections are about choices. And today, hundreds of thousands of people in Illinois have joined millions of people across the country to join our cause," Romney told a throng of supporters in Schaumburg, Ill.
Read the rest here.

Santorum's chances of stopping Romney are starting to fade rapidly.  Right now Romney would have to really stumble badly to lose the nomination.  It aint over.  But I am pretty sure I hear the fat lady warming up just off stage.

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