Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Santorum Wins Mississippi and Alabama in Blow to Romney

Rick Santorum has won Republican primaries in Mississippi and Alabama, exit polls and vote tallies show--a surprising Deep South sweep that signals Santorum is consolidating support among the party’s conservatives.

Both of the wins were narrow: just a few points separated Santorum from rivals Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. The larger lesson of the night was that this long-running primary--far from leading the party to unite behind a favorite--has left Republicans divided stubbornly into thirds.
Read the rest here.


  1. True, but did not Romney receive more delegates than he did? Interesting. He who lost the popular vote received the most number of delegates. And Romney won all delegates in Samoa and Hawaii. I do not think anyone can catch up numerically. Just my understanding of the news.

  2. Realistically Santorum's only real hope is to deny Romney enough delegates to win the nomination outright. In other words Santorum is hoping for a brokered convention.


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