Friday, April 06, 2012

We Are Screwed (Warning: Extreme Political Incorrectness)

Brother Fred is going to have liberal heads exploding with this one. I am not excerpting it. Just go here and read it all.


  1. As Peter Brimelow says, it will all end in tears. Not a pleasant thought before Lazarus Vespers.

  2. Yes. 99 year sentence for purse-snatching in Texas just overturned after 18 years in prison. Wrong culprit of the black persuasion.

    Gee...I wonder why the anger of black folk?

  3. Even granting your comment full credence, it only underscores Fred's point: there are two Americas which increasingly despise and do not understand each other. At some point the two (or three, or more) nations will go their separate ways.


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