Wednesday, May 23, 2012

In Arizona, more birther buffoonery

IF ONE-FIFTIETH of 1 percent of Arizonans demanded that Ken Bennett, the state’s Republican secretary of state, go to work in the nude, would he comply? Not likely. After all, Mr. Bennett, the former Republican president of the Arizona Senate, is planning to run for governor in two years. It wouldn’t pay to pander to crackpots — and humiliate himself in the bargain. Or would it?

The question arises because Mr. Bennett, allegedly in response to e-mailed requests from 1,200 Arizonans, has demanded that Hawaii provide him with verification of President Obama’s birth certificate. If he doesn’t get it, he says, he might strike the president’s name from the state’s ballot this fall.
Read the rest here.

It's not often I agree with Op-Eds in major newspapers and damned rare if that paper is the Washington Post or their equally left leaning northern cousin the New York Times. But even a stopped clock is right twice a day and they are right on this one.  So for the record (gag), I am in complete agreement with this editorial.

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