Thursday, May 10, 2012

The latest on the SSPX 3 bishops dissent? (Updated)

Rorate has posted a very important letter, perhaps the most significant I have read, from Bishop Fellay to his three fellow bishops of the ultra-traditionalist Society of St. Pius X. It is in response to a letter from the three that, while not directly quoted, was clearly critical of the recent movement of the SSPX towards a rapprochement with the Holy See. The implications of this letter are really profound. It suggests that at least as of the middle of the last month, three of the four bishops were strongly opposed to reconciling with Rome. I had always assumed that Williamson would oppose any deal and Tissier de Mallerais was a question-mark. But this letter suggests that Fellay is or at least was alone among the bishops in favoring reconciliation.

It also affirms that Bishop Fellay believes what I have long suspected. Namely that this is probably the best deal the society is likely to get and that Rome is no longer willing to tolerate the status quo. In short Rome is demanding the SSPX return to the fold or face a formal schism. Fellay believes, and I concur, that these are pretty generous terms. Right now the SSPX is sitting out on a limb and it sounds like the three bishops want to saw that limb off the tree.

Read the letter in its entirety at the above link.

(Update 1215 PM 5-11-12)

 "There are some discrepancies in the society," Bishop Fellay told CNS. "I cannot exclude that there might be a split."



  1. CredoUtIntelligam5/11/2012 11:49 AM

    I don't understand. You don't have a dog in this fight.

    Suppose the Pope said to the Orthodox: please sign an agreement with me to enter into full communion. You need only affirm your submission to the Roman Pontiff. You can keep all your liturgies and traditions. You can keep all your doctrines, such as rejection of the filioque, etc. You need only commit yourselves to an attitude of prayer and study with respect to these doctrinal differences and refrain from polemics.

    Would you accept?

    If your answer is "no," then you can understand why three of the Society's bishops might be hesitant to reunite.

  2. Credo,
    You are comparing apples and oranges. We don't claim to be Roman Catholic. The SSPX does. Being Roman Catholic entails obedience to, and communion with, Rome. This is the problem with the SSPX. They have set themselves up in judgment over Rome and that's a no-no in the RCC. For the society it's decision time. They are either going to be Catholic or they are going to be shown to just be another schismatic sect.

    As for my interest, I have many and they aren't all limited to Orthodoxy. But as a matter of personal history I used to attend SSPX chapels back when I was still Catholic (mea culpa mea culpa...).


  3. Igumen Gregory5/11/2012 2:22 PM

    Actually there are Orthodox who did submit to Rome. They are called Eastern Rite Catholics.

  4. Igumen Gregory
    I realize that this may be hair splitting to some, but from the Orthodox perspective they ceased to be Orthodox upon entering communion with Rome. Given that they accept all of the dogmas of the Latin Church I think this is a pretty reasonable position. That doesn't make them evil people. But it does mean they aren't Orthodox.


  5. SSPX, which I have grudging respect for has reached the end of the road. Recent discussions I have read recently make it quite clear that this is THE opportunity to return or be completely exiled. They will have to then claim THEY are the one and only 'true' Roman Catholic Church. Laughable. I thought only Williamson would reject they offer because he knows Rome does not want his 'attitude' in the church. His anti-semitism untenable.
    Now they are sounding like true schismatics, like Anglicans. What the SSPX has been offered is similar but distinct from an Anglican Ordinariate (Austraiilia's has just been announced) so here is where SSPX decides if they truly want to be 'Catholic' or become 'Protestant' in the Anglican sense.
    I pray they will come to their sense and return home to Rome as I did.


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