Monday, May 14, 2012

Ron Paul is scaling back his campaign

Texas Rep. Ron Paul (R) announced today that he is scaling back his presidential campaign operation.

He said in a statement that he will continue to fight former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney for delegates at state conventions around the country, but he will no longer spend any money on upcoming primary contests.

“Our campaign will continue to work in the state convention process,” Paul wrote in an e-mail to supporters.“Moving forward, however, we will no longer spend resources campaigning in primaries in states that have not yet voted.  Doing so with any hope of success would take many tens of millions of dollars we simply do not have.”

While Paul has already cut back his campaign significantly, as recently as three weeks ago he was airing ads in Rhode Island and Texas.

Upcoming primaries in Arkansas, Kentucky, and Texas might actually provide fertile ground for Paul. But he has yet to win a single primary or caucus, and his fundraising has dried up.

In the near future, Paul added, “my campaign leadership will lay out to you our delegate strategy and what you can do to help.”
Read the rest here.

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