Saturday, May 05, 2012

Ron Paul Supporters take over Maine's GOP convention

AUGUSTA, Maine — Even before the Maine Republican Party convention kicked off in earnest Saturday morning, there was a buzz around the event.

Would GOP Chairman Charlie Webster face a backlash for apparently bending the rules to name a convention chairman ahead of time and not at the convention? Would Ron Paul supporters “take over” the convention, as Webster feared? Would what is supposed to be a party-building gathering devolve into a fractured mess?

Those questions were answered by lunchtime: Yes, yes and yes.

In extremely close votes late Saturday morning, convention-goers elected Ron Morrell, a Paul delegate, as secretary and then elected Brent Tweed, also a Paul delegate, as chairman.

Both were picked over the two candidates that were endorsed by the party establishment and the votes signaled a likely shift in how the convention would unfold.
Read the rest here.


  1. I shall demonstrate my extreme political ignorance and ask, who the hell runs the Republican party? Are there rules somewhere?

    Bill, tGf

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Apparently in this instance the inmates are running the asylum... er, convention.

  4. There are indeed rules. They are arcane and complicated and rarely noticed. However it appears that Ron Paul's people have been reading them... very carefully.


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