Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Ron Paul’s stealth state convention takeover

Remember Ron Paul?

He has yet to win a primary. All his other fellow long-shots have dropped out (or will by the end of the day). The Republican National Committee is calling former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney the “presumptive nominee.”

Yet at state conventions around the country, Paul supporters are increasing the candidate’s support by taking over state party committees and educating fellow Paul fans in arcane rules.

While at many conventions Romney backers are split between numerous would-be delegates, Paul supporters are showing up in droves and voting with discipline for a delegate slate.

With a plurality of delegates from five states, Paul supporters could nominate him from the convention floor — the goal of at least some Paul supporters.

A brokered convention is still unlikely. But a strong showing among delegates could help Paul score a speaking spot and some control over the party platform. 

Here’s the latest on Paul’s strength in state committees and conventions:
Read the rest here.

The bottom line is that Dr. Paul is piling up a lot more delegates than people think.  He is going to be very hard to ignore at the national convention in Tampa.


  1. And now the PPP poll of Montana showing Paul beating Obama by a larger margin than Romney...

    I am once again getting cautiously optimistic...

  2. We knew Ron Paul would be the last man standing against Romney despite all the dirty tricks of mainstream media.
    I wonder what their strategy would be now. As of now, what I can see is that they are ignoring Ron Paul's existence.
    It shows you how the US has become just like any other third world country wherein there is censorship and loss of freedom.

  3. If the Republicans had nominated Paul in 2008, he would have won the presidency.


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