Sunday, May 06, 2012

Why Benedict XVI was right about the nuns

As a rule, Sister Brigid McDonald tries not to pay too much attention to papal pronouncements, but Pope Benedict XVI’s recent decision to rein in American nuns, found by a Vatican investigation to harbor “radical feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith,” caught her attention.

Last month, Benedict announced that a four-year Vatican investigation had found the Leadership Conference of Women Religious has challenged church teaching on homosexuality, the ordination of women and the 2010 health-care reform popularly dubbed Obamacare. Nuns, the investigation also concluded, spend too much energy on poverty and economic injustice and not enough on abortion and same-sex marriage.
Read the rest here.

There are so many scandalous quotes it's hard to pick the most shocking. But if I had to go with one, it would be this line... "We help with the Occupy movement and the right-to-choice movements."

Enough said.


  1. "They want us back in the habits and being obedient. You don't belong out here with social workers."

    This brings St. Maria of Paris to mind in that she was essentially out there with the social workers, in her habit...

    And what on earth is monasticism about if not obedience?

  2. Gah, indeed. Women like these were one of the reasons I started looking into Orthodoxy.

  3. Whatever you do, don't start reading the comments at the linked site. It's bad for the indigestion!

  4. It would be quite something if the Pope excommunicated this whole community-thus proving the dear sister wrong when she says it can't be done. It probably should be done. The bitter and arrogant look on her face in this photo says more than enough. You wonder who would listen to her is she wasn't a nun-no one would. She uses her position in the Catholic Church to give herself a certain identity/authority, and then refuses to be obedient to the institution that makes it possible for her to live the life she does. I would toss her out on her ear-see how long it takes for her to come around when she no longer gets a free ride. Sad to say that, she's almost 80, but she's also a scandal.


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