Thursday, June 28, 2012

Britain's High Court blocks extradition of child molestor to US

One of America’s most wanted paedophiles has been spared extradition from Britain by the High Court on human rights grounds.

Shawn Sullivan faced spending the rest of his life behind bars under a controversial sex offenders’ programme in the US, but two senior judges said this would amount to a “flagrant denial” of his rights.

As a result the 43 year-old – who married a Ministry of Justice official while in jail on remand – will not be put on trial for abusing three young girls almost 20 years ago, and can live freely in London.
Read the rest here.

1 comment:

  1. Remember when we were barbarians for having capital punishment?

    Now they won't even extradite a guy *potentially* facing life imprisonment in a state that doesn't have the death penalty. Just what do they want us to do with criminals?


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