Friday, June 08, 2012

A Friendly Response To Metropolitan Jonah

A friendly response to Metropolitain Jonah who apparently suggested to the ACNA Provincial Assembly today that we “fix” the western Creed by removing the filioque clause:
Your Beatitude, we’ll reconsider the filioque clause when the Orthodox Church in America affirms the doctrines of original guilt, sola fide, sola scriptura, and “fixes” its calendar.
-Matt Kennedy from here.
HT: Dr. Tighe

Well, I agree with him about the calendar... ;-)


  1. Reading Anglican comment threads makes me want to poke my eyes out.

  2. How does this Episcopal Church resolution fit with the Anglican Church?

    "Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That this 71st General Convention, following the resolution of the 68th General Convention, and responding to Resolution 19 of the joint meeting of the Primates of the Anglican Communion and the Anglican Consultative Council (Capetown 1993), hereby reaffirm its intention to remove the words "and the Son" from the third paragraph of the Nicene Creed at the next revision of the Book of Common Prayer."

  3. It's all a non-starter if they're sticking with the Articles.

    The Church needs to get its own house in order first, then it can worry about ecumenicism. The Anglican Communion is splitting and will split further. As has been said, we don't even know with whom we should be talking.

  4. The Anglican response just affirms their protestant position. Sad, sad, sad....

    Original guilt, sola fide, sola scriptura are all NON historical/patristic doctrines. There is no "fix" involved, the Anglicans must repent from holding to these heterodox positions. I say that in love because, well, im an Anglican and can see our errors. I too, must repent!

  5. I find the author of the original post to be a bit too smug and brattish. I've been tried posing honest questions to him in the past hand rather than honest answers I've gotten smart@$$ putdowns. I don't pay him much attention.


  6. As a former Episcopalian, I am a long-time reader of Stand Firm, and have attended several of its meetings and met some of the contributors. In fact, it was someone's comment on that blog that made me begin looking at Orthodoxy. I was dismayed at Matt's response, the tone as well as the content. The Kennedy family has endured a great deal for the sake of their church, and I have always admired them, but this is just too much.

  7. Generally agreeing with LV, found the Metropolitan's address on David Virtue's site,

  8. Things like this from conservative Anglicans ought to disabuse credulous or charitable Orthodox Christians of the notion that Anglicanism is anything other than "merely Protestant."

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


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