Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Blog Bump

From time time I add new blogs to the sidebar so do check it out as I don't always announce changes. I do however want to draw your attention to a newly discovered blog that will either leave you deeply fascinated (me) or bored to tears. If you are a history enthusiast read on. It's called Shorpy and the blogger posts historic photographs showing scenes of life or subjects of interest from roughly 1850-1950ish. The photos are often taken directly from glass negatives and can be enlarged to offer breathtaking detail.

Click here to see a super detailed photo of what appears to be the boardwalk in Rockaway New York circa summer 1903. Is it just me or do the two kids in the lower left look like they are trying to break into the machine? Note the advertisements for five cent ice cream and lemonades and ten cents for a box of fresh peanut brittle, and the sign post warning that "Nuisances Prohibited."

These sort of photos that were taken of people going about their ordinary lives in another era allow one to almost feel like you could reach through time.

 P.S. See this page for information about, and photos of, the blog's namesake.


  1. Truly that was haberdashery's salad days.

    And I don't think the kids are trying to break into the machine. Rather, it looks as if they're involved in a deep discussion about what's inside the thing.

    Great link.

  2. Great link, thanks!

  3. My father pointed this site out to me a year or two ago and I love it but I haven't visited in ages. Thanks for the reminder!


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