Monday, July 09, 2012

Breaking News: Metropolitan Jonah Ousted As Head of the OCA

From the website of the OCA...

In a letter addressed to the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops dated Friday, July 6, 2012, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah tendered his resignation as Primate of the Orthodox Church in America.

His Beatitude composed and signed the letter at his residence in Washington, DC, in the presence of Archpriest John Jillions, OCA Chancellor.

On Saturday, July 7, the letter was presented to the Holy Synod in the course of a conference call in which all of the hierarchs participated, except His Eminence, Archbishop Alejo of Mexico City.

The text of His Beatitude’s letter reads as follows.

“To the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America,


“As per your unanimous request, as conveyed to me by Chancellor Fr. John Jillions, I hereby tender my resignation as Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, and humbly request another Episcopal assignment.

“I had come to the realization long ago that that I have neither the personality nor the temperament for the position of Primate, a position I never sought nor desired.

“It is my hope that due consideration will be made for my financial situation, both in any interim and in consideration for any future position. I am the main financial support for both my parents and my sister, beyond my own needs.

“I will appreciate your consideration in this, and beg forgiveness for however I have offended you, and for whatever difficulties have arisen from my own inadequacies and mistakes in judgment.

“Asking your prayers, I remain faithfully yours,
“Metropolitan Jonah, Archbishop of Washington”
The hierarchs again will meet via conference call on Monday, July 9, after which additional information will be made available.

HT: Bill (aka the Godfather)


  1. Moscow should revoke the OCA's autocephaly.

  2. Conchur - Perhaps that is Moscow's hand in this. I don't know; I am just reading rumors. I read somewhere that there are now three living ex-Metropolitans for the OCA.

    What in the world happened? The harvest is truly great in America, but the Orthodox remain mired in internal and motherland politics.

  3. I wonder if I could make money selling bumper stickers:

    "Don't Blame Me, I Voted for +Job!"

  4. When did Dan Snyder take over the OCA?

    Whatever happened, I hope everything goes smoothly despite this sad news.

  5. Conchur - I'm sure Constantinople thinks the same thing about Moscow every day ;-).

  6. LOL I think Russia repealing autocephally is a bit like the Queen repealing our independence.

  7. That said, I will agree that the events of the last few years seriously call into question whether we should be autocephalous. It is a taboo subject in the OCA. But it's a conversation that is overdue.


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