Sunday, July 01, 2012

The Episcopal Organization is at it again

The Episcopal Organization (it has long since ceased to be a "church" in any meaningful way) is launching an inquisition style prosecution of nine bishops for offering support to persecuted Anglicans in court filings.  Every time I think I've posted about them for the last time, they go off and do something even more outrageous. But yea, if you needed further evidence that liberals are often the most illiberal people around look no further than here.

1 comment:

  1. Just like the Catholic Church cracking down on heretical nuns, the Episcopal Church has the right to govern itself. If you choose to be in it, that's what you get. They're not a church like the Catholic and Orthodox churches are with real bishops and the Mass; they're a Christian non-church ('ecclesial community' in stilted churchspeak). They and the other mainline Protestant denominations are slowly fading away. They're still Christian as long as belief in the content of the creeds is still required on paper but apostasy is only a vote away for them.


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