Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Romney gets a chilly reception from the NAACP

HOUSTON — Less than four years after President Obama swept into the White House with the overwhelming support of the black community, Mitt Romney appeared on Wednesday before the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People with a bold claim: “If you want a president who will make things better in the African-American community, you are looking at him,” Mr. Romney said.

His assertion was met with cackles and boos — as well as some tepid applause — and was emblematic of his entire speech, in which he tried to appeal to the African-American community, while still offering some tough medicine and policy prescriptions unpopular with the group.
Read the rest here.

Not going to vote for the man, but I give him credit for showing up. He must have been tempted to pass on the speech. After George Bush was roundly booed he never went back. But being honest the NAACP is pretty much just the African American Caucus of the Democratic National Committee.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Still can't figure out why they continue to label their own group with the "Colored People" phrase. I thought our country was beyond that.

    Same goes for the UNCF.

  3. ^ Because it was not started by said "Colored People," although they claim to keep the title due to tradition. In fact, there was no black president of the group until 1975; a revealing fact considering that in their formative days they played a lead role in maligning and neutralizing Marcus Garvey and the UNIA.

  4. It was pretty epic :-). Even if you knew nothing about the situation beforehand, the virtual absence of applause when Romney took the stage was a good indicator of things to come :-).

  5. So, if you are not voting for Romney, may I dare ask, will you vote for the present occupier of the White House? Forgive me, knowing it is none of my business but, the only other alternative is the Libertarian candidate or not voting at all.


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