Monday, August 27, 2012

Argentina: A socialist disaster on wheels

I am fond of using Argentina as the poster-child for incompetent and corrupt government management of an economy. They have destroyed their own economy so many times from inflation and collectivist policies that I’ve lost count.
Read the rest here.

Craig makes a very good point. If you are an investor stay FAR AWAY from US Government inflation indexed bonds (TIPS). It's like buying fire insurance from a known arsonist.

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    LA CAMPORA - a semi military style terrorist organization that is led by Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner's son - MaximoKirchner. It is named after former a known Argentine terrorist of the Peronist political party former president Héctor José Cámpora. Although it was established in 2003, it became politically influential after the death and state funeral of Néstor Kirchner. Maximo Kirchner used money that his father Nestor Kirchner left him in his will to further the organization and take part in expropiations of private property, the oil company YPF, which Argentina expropiated (stole) from the government of Spain, and Aerolineas Argentinas also expropiated (stolen) from the government of Spain. The airline is going to be renamed "Aerocamporas Argentinas" by the end of the year.

    They go into schools and "indoctrinate" children and make them wear La Campora t-shirts, give them reading material and force them to participate in rallies promoting their demagoguery and any decisions made by Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. The methodology of the modern group is very similar to the Montoneros, aiming to harass, destroy and silence critics of the Kirchner administration and promote their allies in blogs, Facebook, Twitter and other social networks on the internet and to steadily encroach on key positions in the state. After the death of Néstor Kirchner, Cristina Fernández instructed that the lists of candidates for provincial legislators included at least five members of the Cámpora.

    VATAYON MILITANTE - The Argentine government under Cristina Fernandez de Kircher and The Argentine National penitentiary service, takes inmates out of jail without judicial permission, to attend and participate in political events of Kirchner. The prisoners are paid an "allowance" of $2700 per month for joining this political group. The creation of this Vatayon militante group which are CONVICTED AND INCARCERATED for everything from murderer to armed robbery is becoming the Kirchner government's militant force of the future. If things get rough for Cristina, these prisoners have nothing to lose for defending the Kirchner movement with violence. They also have access to guns and drugs, and prostitues all courtesy of the Kirchner government.

    The prisoners who are chosen attend these events, is left up to the to the head of the Argentine National Penitentiary Service, Victor Hortel who is a very close ally of Cristina's government He is a former prisoner himself and has very close ties with prison gangs, and has been known to release prisoners at night to go out to steal and even kill, in exchange for drugs, sex and money. Rewarding criminals and prisoners for political purposes, violating all sorts of rules and laws, is proof of the form of government that Argentina is living with and will only get worse in the months and years ahead, especially if Cristina moved forward with her proposal to change the Argentine constitution to allow for her re-re-election for an unlimited amount of presidential terms.

    See these documentaries to see the scary truth as to what is going on in Argentina:


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