Friday, August 17, 2012

Atheists Demand Removal Of Famous 9-11 Cross From Memorial

The National September 11 Memorial and Museum's planned presentation of the World Trade Center cross-shaped steel beam, which became a famous Ground Zero symbol right after the September 11 attacks, is being legally challenged by an atheist group.

Last year, American Atheists sued the museum for the cross' removal, arguing that the steel beam promoted religion. Its legal director, Edwin Kagin, argued that the display represents "a violation of both federal and New York law in that public funds will be used to establish the Christian religion on public land."
Read the rest here.

What a bunch of doo-doo heads! Some people are just not happy unless they are pissing off everyone who has the misfortune of being aware of their existence.


  1. Well, I notice the girders did not fall in the shape of a sickle and star...

  2. The memorial committee (assuming of course they want it) will simply say it is there as a historical artifact which for many became symbolic of that day and as such is appropriately included in the Memorial. The atheist will lose this battle until they control the memorial committee. And if that ever happened, then we will likely have much bigger things to worry about.

  3. And when they convert they are often ardent defenders of the Faith.

  4. Um, I'm an atheist and I am not fearful. I do, however, object to violations of the separation of church and state. Keep your religion to yourselves. That is what makes the United States exceptional.

  5. It should be taken down and I am religious but not Christian at all I'm actually Muslim like a lot of the victims of 9-11 and a lot where Jewish as well then athiests and Hindu there's just too many religions hurt by it to let only one get a part of their faith on ground zero

  6. It fell that way - leave it that way! Get over it! If you don't like it - view it as art, historical artifact, etc. - You can do it - I know you can! I heard someone say the other day that it made them physically sick. Really? Does a cross have that much affect on you? Perhaps your issues are far greater than a cross. Step by step you can overcome your cross issue...You do it everyday - Taking down every steel girder that forms a cross would seriously leave you without shelter. This is America and there is freedom of religion - some view it as a cross and you can view it as two steel beams intersecting. You are free and so are those who see a cross. You can do it - I know you can!


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