Saturday, August 11, 2012

Romney Names Paul Ryan For VP

NORFOLK — Mitt Romney has selected Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his vice presidential running mate, introducing the seven-term congressman and architect of Republicans’ budget-cutting plans at a spirited rally on the deck of a battleship here Saturday morning.

In shirt sleeves and tie, Romney promised that he and Ryan would restore the American economy by cutting deficits and growing jobs. He called Ryan a man of integrity and character rooted in his middle-class Midwestern upbringing and said he had chosen a candidate with a vision for addressing the nation’s fiscal problems.
Read the rest here.

An interesting move. This will be very popular with the Tea Party and right wing Republicans. It remains to be seen how it will play with moderates and independents with whom Romney and the GOP have been having a lot of trouble garnering support.


  1. Ryan is a pro at understanding the budget and all its entitlements. he would absolutely demolish Joe Biden in any kind of budget debate. I fear though that he may be a one trick pony, but what a trick. I don't know what his credentials are on foreign policy. I also wonder if the picking of Ryan, a Catholic, is meant to solidify a hold over Catholics angered with Obama's HHS Mandate. It's a solid pick, though I'm sure the "Mediscare" ads will soon hit the airwaves.

  2. Yawn.. So, Paul Ryan voted for TARP, the un-Patriot Act, supports NDAA, agrees with our militarism, and wanted to balance the budget in 40 years.. In other words, he is a neocon moderate RINO.

    Sorry, Im still not voting for Romney. I done picking the lesser of two evils. I'll probably vote third party again in protest.

  3. The Ryan pick will ensure that the base shows up. Obama's in trouble, and he was hoping that Romney would continue to underwhelm.


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