Sunday, September 30, 2012

Copts' flight from Sinai's Rafah alarms church; rights groups express solidarity

Attacks on a Coptic-owned shop in the city of Rafah in northern Sinai and the subsequent flight of nine scared Christian families after reportedly receiving death threats from unknown sources have sparked anger among political figures and parties in addition to religious leaders.

The Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church released On Friday, after a meeting attended by a large number of bishops and presided over by Bishop Pachomius, head of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria since the death of Pope Shenouda III in March, a statement expressing solidarity with the Christian families and condemning threats against them.

Ayman Al-Sayyad, adviser to President Mohamed Morsi, said on his personal Twitter account: "I am waiting for an official statement from the government that puts the subject of forced migration of Christians from Rafah in its real context, without trivialising or dramatising it."
Read the rest here.

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