Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Should a Catholic Read Eastern Orthodox Writings?

Should a Catholic read Eastern Orthodox writings?  In my humble opinion, that really depends. 
Read the rest here.


  1. Hello,
    Thanks for reposting my own post. I've noticed you've done this before, and I thank you for it, even if perchance you might disagree with me.

    Pax Christi friend.

    Jason @ Ascending Mount Carmel

  2. Not if he wants to remain comfortable.

  3. August,

    I'm very comfortable.


  4. Depends on the use of the term "Orthodox". If we're talking pre-schism and even some after 1054, it's not too far out of our comfort zone. More modern saints and theologians are a great challenge.

    Put another way: is a Catholic who reads St. Maximos any more uncomfortable than an Orthodox who reads Augustine?

  5. I thought the advice was balanced and fair. I'd tell an Orthodox the same thing about reading the literature of the Latins.

  6. To make it clear: I am uncomfortable. Palamas seems to make a lot more sense to me than what is taught in the West. Lossky's books were making a dangerous amount of good sense, so I stopped reading them.

  7. M Jordan...

    St. Maximus is fantastic - I think his writings are very much a bridge between East and West. I never understood the Orthodox view of St. Augustine...perhaps I should learn more about it all.

    I read Palamas too and though I think he makes some very good points, I had some issues with him. Lossky I know, but have never read.


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