Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Among the careers you might want to skip

Lawyer... Inside The Law School Scam


  1. I left another career people may want to skip: professor. I finished my MA, but it's useless in this economy. So, just got to pick yourself up, try something else and trust in providence. Oh, and pray that they never open a debtors prison, because the student loans are more like a houseless mortgage.

    I have to wonder, what careers are left for ambitious people? The rates of going to school are too high and so many professional, white collar positions are being fazed out of America. I'm not above manual labour, and would actually welcome the chance, but even that seems to be lacking.

  2. The skilled trades--plumbers, electricans, mechanics--have always been available for ambitious people. Community colleges have become very good at focusing on employable skills in these and other areas. This stuff is heavily subsidized, too. You may also want to see if there is any way structure your financial situation to minimize your outlay.


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