Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bad Liturgy

We've all seen it. Some of us who were (or still are) Catholic had to endure it routinely. But this is so over the top, it's unquestionably the worst I've seen in a long time. Or in the minds of some it is one of the great examples of liturgical renewal thanks to Vatican II.


  1. Wow, that's...unbelievable. No one said, "Hey, maybe this isn't such a great idea.."? What an absolute farce. Disgraceful.

  2. Ringling Bros. does "liturgy." And that was just the "Small Entrance." I was figuring the "Great Entrance" would include elephants. But instead it looks like a few hundred people forced to make the death march.

    Sitting near the main ring, or rather, the altar, is the bishop and a Roman cardinal.

  3. Not only is this "over the top", it's also under the Big Top.

  4. I could only watch so much, before I had to turn away...

  5. Disgusting! Do these "catholics" think that this is what reverence towards the Holy Scriptures is? Shame on them. Anathema! And damn Vatican II.

  6. Oh, my. Was that really a church service? In a sane world, this would result in direct action from the Vatican. Correction: from the Pope himself.

  7. That was like something out of a bad disco music video!

  8. On the bright side, this took place, not at Mass, but at a "Novena", which could be best described as quasi-liturgical nature (hence the priests and bishop in cope rather than chasuble).

    On the other hand, this Basilica is not just any other church, but the Basilica of Aparecida, the largest Marian shrine and the second or third largest Basilica in the entire world.

  9. Hard to take this sort of religious performance seriously.

  10. They probably mean well unlike Modernists. Sort of like how the charismatic guitar Mass picked up 40 years ago where the novena service and its sentimental hymns left off, this is what happens when devotional Catholicism isn't restrained by a superior liturgy such as the Tridentine Mass. It goes out of control.

  11. YF,

    Maybe the music has different connotations overseas, but it's from the circus. Furthermore, most of the video is of a spectacle which leads to nothing directly connected to liturgy or prayer until the very last moments. I can't see how the people doing this can be said to "mean well."

    It's malicious, a conscious ignorance of the reason for being in a sacred space in the first place. Aside from the fact that no trace will remain when they leave the cathedral, it's the moral equivalent of vandalism.

  12. Have any RCs come out and condemned this? Im not so sure everyone is just giving this a free pass, or at least I hope not.

  13. I can't... my brain just doesn't... is that Big Bird?

  14. The people who put on this kind of disaster are destroying the faith of millions


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