Monday, October 08, 2012

How bad is it in Detroit?

It's so bad that the cops have issued a statement cautioning would be visitors to come at their own risk. They (the cops) can't protect you. Also the chief of police resigned today in a sex scandal.


  1. In 2010, I was assaulted by 3 guys outside a bar in Detroit. They were breaking into cars, and I exited the establishment at the wrong time. Taking me by surprise, they gave me two facial fractures, broke my nose, bruised my ribs, beat my head black and blue, kicked me in the stomach, and fired several shots at me (thanks be to God that no bullets hit me!). A couple of people who came out of the bar helped me back in, and the bartender called 911 reporting my assault and that shots were fired. The operator told him I had to go file a report at the 4th precinct because they had 14 calls ahead of me. I went to the hospital, and a nurse there helped me file an initial report which the police have never followed up, and, the last time I called the police about it, they told me they have no record of it.

  2. Lord have mercy! And thanks be to God for your survival.

  3. Amen! On the plus side, I had never been in a fight before, and so I was always scared of being in one, especially the pain of being hit. They hit me with a small, metal bar (which is what caused the fractures), but it didn't hurt anywhere near as much as I'd have expected it to (although ?I did need to sit down for about 20 minutes before I could stand without feeling dizzy). Now that I know I can make it through a fight without feeling horrendous pain, I'll be braver if I ever have to face a violent situation again. I also learned that I have a high pain tolerance: not only was the assault itself nowhere near as painful as I would have imagined, I needed nothing but aspirin for the facial fractures and the broken nose.

  4. I suggest a course in self defense, maybe take up judo or karate. If you live in a state that recognizes the US Bill of Rights you might try to get a CCW and consider buying a .38 revolver.


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