Thursday, October 04, 2012

Persona Non Grata

As some may already be aware, on October 1st Bishop (sic) Marc Andrus of the Episcopal Diocese of California based in San Francisco issued an open letter that was widely regarded as a calculated slap in the face to the incoming Roman Catholic Archbishop of the city by the bay.  Read it here.  Now according to claims by the Episcopal Church (see here and here) Bishop Andrus was snubbed when he arrived for today's installation mass for Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone.

One might wonder if this portends a new era in ecumenism.

HT: Dr. Tighe


  1. Now they are saying it was all a mistake:

    “Interfaith tensions over the marriage issue threatened to mar the Cordileone’s day. The Rev. Marc Andrus, the Episcopal bishop for Northern California and a strong same-sex marriage supporter, reported that he was snubbed when he showed up for the cathedral service, which came three days after Andrus had written an open letter offering a spiritual home to any Catholics who felt disowned by the archbishop’s views.

    Andrus said he was taken to a basement room with other invited guests, then left waiting as ushers showed everyone but him to their seats in the sanctuary, Joseph Mathews, an Episcopal spokesman said. He was still waiting when the mass had started, so he left, Mathews said.

    San Francisco Archdiocese spokesman George Wesolek chalked it up to a misunderstanding. Andrus had arrived late and missed the procession of interfaith clergy who were to be seated up front. Church staff were looking for an opportunity to bring the bishop in without disrupting the service, according to Wesolek. When they went to retrieve him, he had already left.
    ‘We had no intention of excluding him at all,’ Wesolek said. ‘If he felt like because of the wait that was insulting to him, we certainly will apologize.’”

    How sad; instead of apologizing for it, they should give thanks to God for the “happy Providence” of it all, by which the local leader of the modern equivalent of a libertine Gnostic sect received his due requital for his serpentine words.

  2. That is really, really funny.

    Of course, the Episcopal bishop with his cathedral atop the hill considers himself to be the real bishop of San Francisco. That he deemed to go down to the mackeral snapping, bead rattling bishop's installation and then instead of being given his due as THE EPISCOPAL BISHOP OF CALIFORNIA/guest of honor/queen of the ball was "detained" --really?-- is so distasteful. I hope the EPISCOPAL, dammit, BISHOP OF CALIFORNIA sends a delegation of his butchest womyn priests down the hill to deliver this upstart a copy of Emily Post.

    Former TEC priest now slumming it as a Catholic layman

  3. Riiiight. Years ago I made a similar "mistake" with some good ole boys that were harassing a black waitress I worked with. I still don't know why it took so long for them to get their food . . .

  4. The arrogance of protestant 'bishops' is unbelievable. It is a pity the RCs tried to make excuses.

  5. Would love to see Christian humility at play somewhere here, but I guess that's asking far too much for any Bishop.

  6. Well. considering the bishop being consecrated has been charged with DUI....what can I say?


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