Thursday, October 04, 2012

Romney Dominates First Debate

The usual disclaimer; I have no dog in this fight as I'm not voting for either one.

OK this was pretty close to a must win for Romney and he delivered a very solid performance. No, I don't think he hit a grand slam or delivered the proverbial knock out punch. But he came into this behind in the polls and he urgently needed to put a check in the win column. And that he did. I think he won on points. But he really looked better prepared than the President.


  1. I have no dog in this fight

    John, that dog don't hunt. Romney indubitably hit a home run, which differs qualitatively than winning on points. It was a clear upset against a befuddled and tired President. People are wondering where the Romney guy has been hiding for so many months.

    One hopes that one of these days you'll recover from your sulk about your candidate's being royally screwed over at the convention. We're praying for the return of your objectivity.

    As for me, I'm now less hesitant about voting for Paul Ryan's appendage.

  2. Vote for Romney and prepare to be disappointed.

    Vote for Obama and prepare to be disappointed.

    They're both bought and owned by the same big-money interests, and they are both going to do exactly as told.

    Their so-called positions on varying issues are only window-dressing. Romney, for example, no more disapproves of abortion than Obama does, nor of Obamacare, which was modelled, after all, on Romneycare.

    Let's get real.

  3. C'mon, you're saying that Obama and Romney will put the same people on the Supreme Court, or that if they would put different people on, it wouldn't make a difference???

    Nonsense. Please extract head from sand.

  4. Stephen
    Where possible I try to observe the rule that with politicians one should pay attention to what they do and not what they say.

    Based on that rule, Romney's track record would suggest he is more pro-abortion than Obama (rhetoric notwithstanding) that he will appoint left leaning justices, that he will continue the Republican policy of massive expansion of the welfare/warfare state while cutting taxes (mainly for the very wealthy) and financing it through more debt. In foreign affairs we have only his campaign rhetoric to go on since he has never held a national office and so I am inclined to take it with a very large grain of salt. That said, based solely on his statements, especially during the GOP debates when everyone was tripping over each other in a mad effort to be the most hawkish man on the stage, I think it is better than even odds he will have us at war with Iran within the first six months of taking office.

    So here is the bottom line. Given that there is no philosophical difference that I can detect between Obama and Romney, and further that Romney seems even more hyperaggressive in his foreign policy than Obama...

    If someone put a gun to my head and said vote for one of these two clowns, I would probably hold my nose and pull the lever for Zero.


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